Lucy was born in 1919 in Somerset, Colorado, on the Western Slope, the youngest of eight. Her father, a Belgian immigrant, worked the coal mines. Her mother was Mexican/Spanish/Indian. She raised her kids in a mining town where "the world-comes together to make one big family who work hard together to survive." From these humble beginnings, the woman who people on Galapago Street would call "Auntie Lucy" became everybody's favorite Tia (Aunt) on the Westside of Denver.
This amazing, kind-hearted woman has known poverty, but never despair. She lost her three sons tragically, but not her sense of duty. She has owned a restaurant and a tree cutting business and has cooked for hundreds of hungry souls. She has mended clothes for the needy and has taken the coat off her back for those who had none. She never finished third grade, but has taken dozens of "lost" children and adults into her home to feed, clothe and love. Her door has never been closed, and her warm heart has never been cold.
It's so hard to believe that our beautiful Miss Lucy is gone to be with God and the loved ones that went before her. So, good for her, not so good for us left here to mourn her.
I was so blessed to have Miss Lucy Lu as such a special part of my life. My only regret is that I didn't know her and have her as a friend for a longer part of our lives. I learned so much from her, laughed alot and just really enjoyed my time with her. I'll never forget Lucy.
Thank you Joanna for letting me part of your family, and thank you to the rest of the family and her friends for allowing me to be there with Lucy.
Miss Lucy, I miss you so very much-Mondays will never be the same again. I'm glad that you are not suffering any more, but wish that we had more time with you. I love you dear one.
Alice Daly
Copyright Return of the Corn Mothers © 2018