Dawn DiPrince was born in Pueblo, Colorado, a fourth-generation descendent of ancestors who established the community home. She has done many things in her work over the years, including teaching, publishing, and design. Most recently, Dawn is serving as the Chief Community Museum Officer for History Colorado, where she oversees eight community museums/sites throughout Colorado. In these jobs, she has been a champion for work that helps share the history of communities and peoples in Colorado.
She founded and directed the Museum of Memory public history initiative, which works with people in communities to share their stories as part of the communities’ collective history and memory. She was Co-Chair of the Governor’s Ludlow Centennial Commemoration Commission, which worked to memorialize and add new understanding to the history of the Ludlow Massacre, in which two dozen miners and family members were killed during a coal miners’ strike in 1914. She is a cofounder of Bridging Borders Teen Girl Fellowship, which is dedicated to the belief that a greater sense of place and a greater sense of history are the building blocks of a strong self-identity. DiPrince is also the proud mother of three beautiful children.