Cherie Anne Karo Schwartz is a self-employed storyteller, author, and educator who has presented performances, workshops, and storytelling training in Colorado, and also abroad, for over three decades. Author of three books and with stories in a dozen anthologies, she specializes in Jewish tales, natural history, worldwide folktales, and personal and original stories.
This quote has been an essential part of my life for decades, since I first read it. Treasuring each moment for what it offers and opens to us, and bringing it forward in a sacred way… this is the essence of who and what we can be at our best. In all of my Storytelling, teaching, writing, and life, I try to keep this forever before me to remember. As a Storyteller, I take what is on the page and lift it up in a new way each time that I tell the story. In my teaching, every time is a new experience of even the same basic material because the students are new, and I have evolved, too. Remembering that the stories are holy — each one of them from throughout the world and all time — is essential. Being open of heart, mind, and spirit allows me to enter each experience with new eyes and gratitude. I am thankful for each story that has come to me, and each person I share the stories with is a blessing.
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